Wet, warm, and humid.
That's the best way to sum up the month of July across southwestern Connecticut.
The total monthly precipitation of 7.68" was almost four-and-a-half inches above the normal average for the month (3.32"). Thirteen days (42%) featured at least one-hundredth of an inch of rain; 12 days had at least one-tenth of an inch; six days delivered at least a half-inch; and four days featured at least an inch.
The greatest 24-hour precipitation total happened over a two-day period from July 3 through July 4 when 2.49" fell at the Bridgeport climate station.
The average monthly temperature was 76.9 degrees, which is 1.2 degrees warmer-than-normal. The temperature never dropped below 60 degrees the entire month. The hottest temperature of 92 degrees happened July 12, and the coolest temperature of 60 degrees occurred on the last day of the month.
Only three days featured a high temperature of at least 90 degrees, including July 27 (90 degrees) and July 28 (91 degrees). The following day, July 29, had a high temperature of 89 degrees, which was one degree shy of an official three-day heat wave at Bridgeport.
Just six days had an average temperature below normal, four of which averaged just one degree below normal.