Last month was the wettest March on record at the Bridgeport climate station. Officially, 10.38" of precipitation was recorded, eclipsing the previous mark of 10.2 set in 2010.
The normal average precipitation for the month is 4.09" based on 30 years of climatology.
There were five days with at least one inch of rain, five days with at least one-half inch, and eight days with at least one-tenth of an inch of precipitation. There were 10 days overall with measured precipitation.
March was warmer-than-normal, too. In fact, the monthly average temperature of 45.5 degrees was 5.6 degrees warmer-than-normal. The range was 72 degrees (March 15) and 25 degrees (March 22).
It was the third consecutive month this year during which the average monthly temperature was at least 3.1 degrees above normal.
All but five days featured warmer-than-normal average temperatures, including a stretch of 19 days in a row beginning on March 2.